Don’t Go It Alone. Consider Family Planning Counseling

Don’t Go It Alone. Consider Family Planning Counseling

Delaying or preventing unintended pregnancies is one of the most important things you can do to protect your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. If you’re sexually active and not ready to have a baby, then it’s time to consider family planning counseling.

At Eve Medical of Miami, we make your health our top priority. We offer many services to help you take control of your health and your body, including family planning and birth control counseling so you never have to go it alone. 

Here, we want to tell you what you can expect from our counseling services.

About family planning

Family planning is an important public health initiative in the United States and is one of the major objectives of Healthy People 2030, which is a program that focuses on ways to improve health and well-being over the next decade. 

Despite having many birth control options, about half of all pregnancies in the US are unplanned. These unplanned pregnancies negatively affect a woman’s physical, emotional, and financial well-being. 

Family planning counseling provides the education and guidance you need so you can properly space, delay, or prevent pregnancies. This counseling helps you stay in control of your body, as well as your current and future health.  

Who benefits from family planning

All women of chilbearing age benefit from our family planning service. In addition to helping prevent pregnancy, our services focus on protecting your sexual and reproductive health.

Whether you need help getting birth control, have concerns about the birth control you currently use, or want to talk about your future family, we can help.  

Cost and lack of access are two of the major barriers women face when trying to get the health services they need. That’s why our counseling services are free. 

What to expect

Family planning needs differ from woman-to-woman. Your counseling focuses on your current and future pregnancy plans, as well as your current and future health needs. 

Some of the topics we might discuss include:

Birth control

When it comes to preventing pregnancy, you have many birth control options. We talk to you about all your options, including how they work, their effectiveness at preventing pregnancy, and potential side effects. 

Then, we help you decide what method makes the best choice for you. 

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

STDs are also a major public health concern, especially for women. When left undiagnosed and untreated, STDs in women may cause infertility or gynecological cancer.

Condoms are the only type of birth control that protects you from STDs. However, condoms may not be the most effective at preventing pregnancy. The best way to prevent pregnancy and STDs is with dual-protection — birth control and condoms.

If you have concerns about STDs, we offer STD testing. If you have any concerns about your sexual health or an STD, we can provide the confidential testing and care you need. 

Health and lifestyle

Your health and lifestyle are also important aspects of your family planning. Your health history and habits may help determine what method of birth control is best for you.

For example, we may recommend hormonal birth control if you have an irregular menstrual cycle or heavy periods. If you smoke, however, we may recommend non-hormonal birth control options to reduce your risk of developing blood clots or high blood pressure, while encouraging you to quit.

When it comes to your health and your body, you’re not alone. Schedule your family planning counseling session at our office in Miami, Florida, by calling or requesting an appointment online today.

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