How to Choose the Right Birth Control for You

A birth control option that works perfectly for your best friend might not be the right choice for you. And with so many options to choose from, finding the right birth control can be confusing and overwhelming. In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancies, there are other considerations to keep in mind such as cost, your current health and lifestyle, STD prevention, and your future reproductive plans and goals. 

But choosing a birth control method and family planning doesn’t have to be a guessing game. At Eve Medical of Miami, we offer a range of birth control options to help you find the method that works best for you. 

Tips for choosing the best birth control method

If you’re just getting started with birth control or your needs have changed and you’re not sure where to start, here is a simple list of birth control categories:

Some forms of birth control and contraception like male latex condoms help to prevent unwanted pregnancies and also protect against STDs. If you use birth control pills or an IUD (intrauterine device) to prevent pregnancy, you’ll still need to use a condom for STD prevention. 

Some of the factors to consider in addition to pregnancy and STD prevention when weighing your birth control options include:

Each birth control method has specific directions that you’ll need to follow for it to be effective, so picking a method that is compatible with your lifestyle is important. 

Types of birth control

There are several birth control and contraception options available, including:

If you plan to get pregnant in the future, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for your fertility to return to normal if you use hormone-based birth control. Non-hormone based barrier methods like condoms and diaphragms don’t change your hormone balance, so you can begin trying to get pregnant right away. Tubal ligation is considered permanent. 

For more information about the various birth control methods available and how to find the one that will work best for you, call Eve Medical of Miami today to schedule an appointment, or you can also request an appointment online.

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