How to Talk to an Intimate Partner About STDs

How to Talk to an Intimate Partner About STDs

If you’re sexually active, there’s a 50% chance you’ll contract an STD by the time you’re 25. With odds like those, having a tough conversation with your significant other is essential to your well-being and the health of your relationship. Unfortunately, important conversations like this one are often avoided. 

Our team of medical experts at Eve Medical of Miami our team wants to support you even when you’re not in our office by equipping you with the tools you need to get through crucial conversations about STDs.

How to talk about STDs with your partner

Your reluctance to start a dialogue about STDs could stem from embarrassment or simply not knowing where to start. That’s where we come in. Here are our best tips when getting ready to talk to your partner. 

Get tested yourself

Before you dive into a discussion, it’s best to know where you stand when it comes to STDs. Knowing whether or not you have one yourself will give you a better idea of how to talk to your partner. We offer comprehensive STD testing, so you can be confident about your own sexual health. 

Talk before you have sex

Many people have an STD and don’t even know it. That’s why it’s best to hash it out before you ever have sex. It’s a good idea to discuss how many sexual partners you both have had and what kind of protection you used. 

Speaking of protection, now is the time to decide what method you’ll use. Keep in mind that condoms are the only effective way to guard yourselves against STDs

Be compassionate

This is likely an awkward moment for both of you. If you make it clear that your goal is to protect each other and your tone is relaxed, you’ll diffuse any tension or awkwardness your partner might feel. 

Don’t be alarmed if your partner discloses an STD. You can still have a healthy sex life if you take the right precautions. 

Your partner may have some underlying fears or anxieties about getting tested. Show compassion if this is true, and help them work through their apprehensions. You might suggest getting tested together to provide moral support for one another. 

Include facts

It’s always a good idea to balance your compassion with cold, hard facts. Remind your partner that if caught early enough, STDs won’t cause long-term problems. Additionally, STD testing is a simple process often only requiring a small blood or urine sample. Some tests even produce results within 20 minutes. 

Don’t let your own nervousness get in the way of having a conversation that can benefit you and your significant other. 

If you’d like more information or want to get tested yourself, call our Miami, Florida office or schedule an appointment online today. 

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