My Partner and I Aren't on the Same Page About Family Planning: Can You Help?

My Partner and I Aren't on the Same Page About Family Planning: Can You Help?

Family planning 一 including how many (if any) children you want, when you want them, and how you want to space them 一 is one of the most essential decisions you can make. 

Our expert team at Eve Medical knows that choosing a birth control option to help you reach your family planning goals is a very personalized decision. That’s why we offer many types of birth control here in our Miami, Florida, office.

But what happens when you and your partner aren’t on the same page about family planning? Read on because our team shares tips.

Ask the important questions

If you and your partner aren’t on the same page, honest and open communication may help illuminate your next steps. Sometimes each person just needs a little clarification on what the other person wants. For example, maybe your partner wants kids but just not right now.

Here are a few questions 一 albeit tough questions 一 to help align you and your partner:

It’s important to ask your partner these questions, and it’s equally essential to share your own thoughts too. Schedule these conversations in a safe and comfortable environment. Knowing the conversation is coming helps each person gather their thoughts, rather than bringing up the conversation without warning.

Don’t make any permanent decisions quickly

When you and your partner are not on the same page, it’s important not to act rashly or make any permanent decisions that you may later regret. For example, if you want children but your partner doesn’t, don’t rush to any permanent sterilization methods. 

Before making any significant life decision, it’s essential to spend plenty of time reflecting on what you want and how it helps you fulfill your personal goals.

Know all of your options

One of the most important factors in family planning is knowing all of your options. When it comes to birth control, you have two main choices: reversible and non-reversible. Reversible birth control means you can stop birth control when or if you’d like to try to conceive. Reversible birth control doesn’t permanently alter your ability to become pregnant. 

Examples of reversible birth control include:

Non-reversible options include vasectomies and tubal ligations. 

Schedule a free family planning counseling session

Here at Eve Medical of Miami, we offer free family planning counseling sessions to help you through some of life’s most difficult decisions. We’re happy to have a board-certified doctor on staff to help review all of your options, including the types of birth control, the effectiveness of each method, and how they help you reach your family planning goals. 

We’re happy to answer any questions you have. Learning more about each option can help couples identify a family planning plan that’s right for them, and we want you to do that in a safe and comfortable environment.

To learn more about our family planning services or to schedule your free counseling session, call Eve Medical of Miami or request an appointment through our online form.

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