The Importance of Good Counseling When It Comes to Women's Health

When it comes to your health and wellness needs, you’re not alone if you struggle when deciding what choices are best for you. But you don’t have to make difficult decisions on your own. When it comes to women’s health, good counseling is essential and empowers you to make well-informed and confident decisions about your health and your life.  

At Eve Medical of Miami, our board-certified providers include counseling specialists who help women navigate their way through many sensitive issues, including family planning, contraception, and abortion. Given our experience, we want to share with you why good counseling is so important for women’s health. 

It’s a safe environment to share your thoughts and feelings

In order for you to get the best possible care for your health and wellness, you need to be open and honest about your health issues. However, when it comes to sensitive topics like family planning, contraception, and abortion, you may have a difficult time expressing your true feelings and concerns.

We understand your struggles, which is why we offer one-on-one counseling in a safe and private environment. We also work hard at developing a strong, trusting relationship with you so you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings. And everything you share with us is bound by patient-doctor confidentiality. 

We provide all the information

No matter your health needs, good counseling ensures that you have all the information necessary to make a well-informed decision. At Eve Medical of Miami, we provide free counseling for sensitive women’s health issues, including:

During your counseling session, our experienced providers share detailed information about all of your options, including advantages and disadvantages as well as potential side effects. When discussing your specific health needs, we also include you in the equation and discuss how each choice may affect your health positively or negatively. 

We answer all of your questions

When it comes to good counseling and women’s health, it’s important to get answers to your questions. Our counseling specialists always make sure there’s enough time during your session so we can answer all of your questions to help you feel confident and secure when you make your choices.  

Depending on your personal counseling needs, we may also assign a member of our nursing staff to serve as your personal confidant who can answer questions outside your counseling session. 

You get support to make confident decisions

Our goal during your women’s health counseling session is to empower you so you can make informed decisions about your life and your health. We do everything we can to support you through your entire decision-making process. We also continue to support you and your health by offering well-woman exams and gynecology services.   

At Eve Medical of Miami, we offer free family planning counseling, contraception counseling, and abortion counseling. Our team wants nothing more than for you to make the best decisions about your health. To schedule your counseling session, contact us by phone or online today. 

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