We now offer our patients the IUD for long acting contraception.

The IUD (intra-uterine device) is a small flexible, plastic medical apparatus. The IUD is placed inside the uterus by our Doctor in the office. It provides long-term protection from pregnancy for up to 5 to 10 years, depending on the type. IUDs are a very popular option because there is no need to remember to take a pill every day. There are two main types of IUD, those that contain copper or those that contain a small amount of the female hormone progesterone. Both have different unique advantages.

Inserting the IUD is a quick and simple procedure done in our office without the need for anesthesia. The IUD provides better than 99% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, however, it does not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Schedule an appointment to speak to our healthcare team about whether the IUD is a good choice for you.

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