What Are My Birth Control Options?

You have many choices when it comes to birth control, and with the new year upon us, it’s a good time to evaluate your options. But with so many contraceptive options out there -- from condoms to implants to pills -- choosing what’s best for you can be overwhelming. 

At Eve Medical of Miami, formally Eve of Kendall, with offices in Miami, Florida, our experienced care team specializes in putting your wellness first and making choosing a form of birth control easier. We take time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and help you make an informed, educated choice about the birth control method that’s right for you. 

We’ve curated this guide to help you navigate the decision-making process and make it easier for you to choose the birth control that best meets your unique needs. Read on to learn more!

What should I consider when choosing birth control?

At Eve Medical of Miami, we know no two women are the same. That’s why it’s important to consider your lifestyle and personal preferences when choosing a method of birth control. Your care provider may offer some recommendations based on your health. It’s also important to carefully consider the following when making your decision:  

1. What do I need protection from? 

Contraceptives can protect you from more than pregnancy, so it’s important to consider what kind of protection you want or need. If protection from pregnancy is your top priority, the most effective forms of birth control --  including hormone-based methods like patches, IUDs, pills, and implants -- might be your best option.  

However, hormone-based methods don’t protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If you need a method that protects you against STDs, you’ll need to use a barrier method, like condoms, that limits your risk of exposure. 

In laboratory settings, condoms are about 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. But people don’t operate in laboratories. The real-world effectiveness rate of male and female condoms combined is only about 80%, so it’s important to use a second method with condoms to protect against pregnancy. 

2. How easy will this method be for me to use?

Even the most effective birth control doesn’t work if you don’t use it. That’s why thinking about how easy it will be for you to use any given method is an important part of the decision-making process.  

Carefully and honestly ask yourself about your ability and willingness to use different methods and to use them correctly. For example, you need to take birth control pills at about the same time each day and condoms need to be used every time you have sex. Other options, like an IUD, can last for years. 

Remember: The right birth control option is the one that works with your lifestyle and personality. Take time to honestly think about your ability and willingness to use different methods, and discuss any questions or concerns with your care provider. 

3. Do I want children and when?

Just because you’re not thinking about having a baby now doesn’t mean you don’t want children in the future. If having kids is on the near horizon, it makes sense to choose a birth control method that doesn’t interfere with your family-planning goals. 

Condoms, for example, only work at the moment you use them. If you stop using these methods, you can become pregnant immediately. With contraceptives that use hormones, on the other hand, it may take several months for hormone levels to normalize after you stop using them so you can become pregnant.  

If getting pregnant isn’t part of your future plans, sterilization offers a permanent form of birth control. It’s important to discuss this option thoroughly with your doctor since restoring fertility after sterilization isn’t always feasible. 

What are my options for birth control?

Once you’ve considered the above questions and discussed any questions or concerns with your care provider, you have many alternatives for birth control. These choices include:

The compassionate team at Eve Medical of Miami provides information on all available options, including permanent solutions, like sterilization. Our board-certified doctors are happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have during the decision-making process. 

Ready to learn more about your birth control options?

At Eve Medical, we help you navigate the many birth control options out there to find one that meets your unique needs. Contact our office or request an appointment online now to set up a birth control consultation today!

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