When Is a Cervical Biopsy Necessary?

Cancer is a major cause of death worldwide, with almost 2 million new cases each year. In the US, cervical cancer screenings are essential for detecting cancer before it’s too late and address other issues with feminine health. However, routine Pap smears or pelvic exams may necessitate additional testing for the sake of your health—including a cervical biopsy.
When you need help with feminine care, our compassionate professionals at Eve Medical of Miami in Miami, Florida are here to assist. We offer a variety of reproductive services in a safe and completely confidential environment. With the reassurance and professionalism of an experienced team, you can rest assured that your testing and any subsequent treatment will be handled with deep care and privacy.
How do I know that I need a cervical biopsy?
Before we recommend testing and treatment, we sit with you for a full consultation. We discuss your personal medical history, your family history, any medications or supplements that you’re taking, and give you an exam. Depending on your age and the amount of time since you’ve had a Pap smear, we also give you a Pap smear, a pelvic exam, and a breast exam.
During a Pap smear, we use a speculum to gently access your cervix through your vagina. After taking a small scrape of cells from the cervix, the cells are examined in-office. We check for common infections, test you for STDs, and inform you by your preferred method of communication of your results.
During a pelvic exam, your provider uses sterile gloves and plenty of water-based lubricant to insert their fingers into your vagina. The purpose is to feel for any signs of swelling or pain that may require treatment. For some people, this can be a physically or emotionally uncomfortable experience—survivors of sexual assault, in particular, may struggle with the notion of a pelvic exam.
Your provider at Eve Medical of Miami understands that sexual trauma can make these procedures difficult for some groups of patients in additional to survivors of sexual assault. Young people, many people of color, and people living with disabilities may also have concerns about the methodology of a pelvic exam, but it is still an important type of feminine care.
What is a cervical biopsy?
If your pelvic exam or Pap smear results raise concerns, your provider will reach out to you. You can go over your results with your provider, and get any answers about treatment. If abnormal cells have been detected during your examination, your provider may recommend a cervical biopsy.
Cervical biopsies are simple, safe procedures that take up to 10 minutes. Cervical biopsies are performed much like Pap smears, using a speculum to open the vagina in order to access your cervix. Instead of scraping off a small sample from the wall of the cervix, your provider will use a small blade to collect a sample. This procedure is generally considered to be uncomfortable, though not painful. If you’re sensitive or have other concerns about pain, your provider can recommend pain medication.
What happens after a cervical biopsy?
After your cervical biopsy, it’s common to experience mild cramping and spotting for up to a week, but you can go back to work or school when your procedure is complete. If you develop a fever, experience heavy bleeding, or notice foul-smelling discharge, please reach out to your provider.
The samples taken from your cervix are sent to our laboratory for testing. We will give you your results by the communication method that you prefer, and discuss treatment options with you in person if treatment is necessary. Some infections clear up on their own. Other infections lead to more serious health conditions, like cervical cancer.
I’m having feminine health issues.
If you’re having feminine health issues, we’re here to assist. We can determine the cause or causes of your symptoms, and guide you through treatment. If you’re not experiencing any feminine health issues, we recommend regular well-woman visits with your provider at our office. Whether you need a cervical biopsy, counseling, or other health services, please contact us at 305-707-6096, or book an appointment with us online.
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