Why Am I So Hungry During the Second Trimester?

Do you feel like you’re ravenous all the time since starting your second trimester of pregnancy? It can be a sudden change, leaving many women confused about why their hunger is so powerful.
The answers are usually simple, and you can manage those hunger pangs in a healthy way. At Eve Medical of Miami, our compassionate specialists offer abortion services and women’s health care in a safe, state-of-the-art facility in Miami, Florida.
On our blog this month, we’re covering the possible reasons for mega-hunger during the second trimester, and talking about a few solutions, too.
Baby’s growth spurt
Your baby is growing rapidly in your second trimester. All their major organs form by week 13 (the start of your second trimester), and they continue to mature during this time. During the same period, your baby’s bones harden.
All of this growth means your baby needs extra nourishment — and that, in turn, means your body craves more food.
To make sure both mom and baby get enough nutrition, doctors generally recommend gaining about half a pound to one pound weekly in the second trimester. That can vary based on your weight at the start of your pregnancy.
Unhealthy diet
Pregnancy cravings can feel powerful and overwhelming — and, unfortunately, cravings usually don’t involve healthy foods. Many women have pregnancy cravings involving “empty calorie” foods. Examples include potato chips, fast food, ice cream, and candy.
Although it’s OK to indulge occasionally, it’s important to know that these foods won’t nourish your body. Empty calorie foods leave you feeling hungry a short time later, so you might feel ravenous all the time if you eat the wrong foods.
Many women have a good handle on their meals but lose control when it comes to pregnancy snacking. The best way to manage snack cravings is choosing nutritious foods that are highly satiating. Some good options in this category include nuts, veggies with hummus dip, yogurt smoothies, or apples with peanut butter.
Feeling stressed since getting pregnant? You’re not alone, and it’s normal to experience some stress as your body changes. In addition, major hormone fluctuations, indecisiveness about motherhood, and planning your delivery are all common sources of stress.
For some women, stress leads to significant appetite changes during the second trimester (and potentially throughout the pregnancy). It may lead to excessive weight gain, too.
Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes, which only occurs during pregnancy, affects up to 10% of pregnant women. Although usually asymptomatic, it can sometimes cause extreme hunger and thirst, far beyond the typical second trimester urgings.
Gestational diabetes screening happens during your second trimester, between weeks 24 and 28.
It’s important to have this screening, especially if you have extreme hunger. Gestational diabetes can lead to high birth weight, Cesarean birth (C-section), preeclampsia, and Type 2 diabetes after pregnancy. It may also increase your baby’s risk of breathing problems, seizures, and Type 2 diabetes as they grow up.
The second trimester can be a challenging time with food and appetite, but it’s very manageable now that you know the possible factors involved.
Have questions about pregnancy or need abortion services in Florida? We offer confidential counseling, so call us at or 305-707-6030 or click the request appointment button now.
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